Head Office
Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Sunday-Thursday)10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Friday)
01- 4542646
"सबैको सुरक्षा, एनएलजीको ईच्छा"
Fax- 977-1-4416427
Email- info@nlgi.com.np
style="text-align: justify;">Your valuable properties (building, machine, furniture and fixtures, stock etc) take years to build a...
Your vehicle is an essential asset, whether it's a motorcycle, private car, taxi, bus, or commercial truck used for transporting g...
This policy is issued for purely residential building or apartment or temple or place of meditation up to Sum Insured Rs. 2 crore....
All Nepalese citizens traveling abroad for business, study, or leisure are eligible for this insurance. Additionally, foreign nati...
Once your marine cargo lands you tend to take good care of it. But who does protect it whilst it's on high seas? Your cargo can be...
Setting up a major manufacturing process involves heavy investment in a plant and machinery. While a fire policy can cover loss or...
This is specially designed policy to protect the interest of the contractors and principal as well as the sub-contractor, Lender (...
Accidental Insurance provides coverage in case of accidental injury and death. This insurance can be taken by an individual or a g...
Apart from the other policies, NLG also provides the following products to protect your interest in various aspects of your Life r...
Agriculture insurance provides insurance coverage for various agricultural activities like Livestock, Poultry, Fish, Paddy, Vegeta...
Micro Insurance policy ensures that even those with small incomes can protect themselves through insurance. Insurance should not b...
We live in a country full of rough and unforgiving terrain where aviation disasters have headlined the newspapers far more frequen...
This policy covers the medical, hospitalization expenses against Covid-19 during travel and the period of this policy is 14 days f...
This insurance provides reimbursement of the medical expenses of the insured persons arising out of accidental injury and illness ...
Most businesses handle money at some stage in their operations. Almost all businesses handle money in some form – cash, cheques, b...
Covid 19 Insurance Policy
Fire Insurance Policy