Head Office

Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Sunday-Thursday)
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Friday)

01- 4542646




Accidental Insurance

Accidental Insurance

Accidental Insurance provides coverage in case of accidental injury and death. This insurance can be taken by an individual or a group. This policy provides benefits against bodily injury (incl. Death) resulting solely and directly from accident caused by external, violent and visible means. Terrorism Group Risk (Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage, Sabotage & Terrorism) is covered in this policy.

Benefits available under this insurance are as follows:

  1. Death             
  2. PTD (Permanent Total Disablement) is the situation, where after accidental injury the insured person becomes so disable that he/she is not able to carry his/her normal profession completely and permanently e.g. loss of both hands (above wrist), loss of both legs (above ankle), loss of both eye sight, complete the irrecoverable paralysis etc.
  3. PPD (Permanent Partial Disablement) is the situation, where after accidental injury the insured person becomes disable and not able to carry his/her normal profession partially e.g. loss of one hand, one leg, loss of hearing capacity.
  4. TTD (Temporary Total Disablement) is the situation, where after accidental injury the insured person become totally disable to carry out his/her normal profession but for the temporary period.
  5. Medical expenses are payable in case of bodily injury by insured perils only.


The benefits covered and amount payable for various benefits are as below:

Death             - 100% of Sum Insured

PTD                - 100% of Sum Insured

PPD                - Various % of Sum Insured depending on the type of disablements

TTD                 - Loss of Income [Actual loss of income or 1% of Sum Insured per week, whichever is less.

Med. Exp.        - Actual and incurred medical expenses up to 10% of Sum Insured. Maximum limit Rs. 100,000/-



Death or bodily injury caused by the following reason



Intentional Self Injury



Suicide or attempted suicide



Whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug



Whilst travelling in any aircraft or Hot Air Balloon (other than as passenger)



Whlst engaging in any kind of race on wheel or horseback, Bungee Jumping, Para Gliding or Motorcycle Race,



Whilst engaging in Polo, Hunting, Scuba Diving, Mountaineering or Shooting,



Caused by insanity



Caused by Insured person breaching any law



Impact of nerve or nervous system or emotion without external injury



Whilst involving in any extra risks other than in genuine attempt to save human life





Death or bodily inury to Insured Person by War, Invasion,  Act of foreign enemy (whether war is decalared or not), Civil War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection etc.


Consequential loss of any nature even if the event is covered under this policy


Directly or indirectly caused by ionizing radiations or contamination, by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste etc.


By nuclear arms or accident caused by whilst engaging in any kind of nuclear arms or nuclear devices

Are you wiling to know more about Accidental Insurance feel free to connect with us.

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